A Spirit Lives Inside Of Us
I paint portraits. Mainly of devout Christians whom have inspired me.
- Rosemary Gilmour
- David Winter
These are two wonderful people who have taught me kindness, patience and to keep an open mind.

Cats and Dogs
- Blue
One of my favourite paintings. This painting of this young pup was based on a photo taken many years ago. A reminder to appreciate what we have today, don’t wait until tomorrow!
- Misty and Button
Misty the cat dominately looks over the young female puppy known as Button.

- Quiet Garden at Scargill House
A painting of the entrance to the Quiet Garden. The door opens automatically with a press of a button revealing a garden completely walled and hidden away from the rest of the community.
- Swan Road
I walked past this gate and noticed the word ‘house’ and immediately thought of home. The gate was inviting me to come in.

From Box Canvas, Prints To Cards
From Portraits, Landscapes and Pets. These are painted on a box canvas using studio oil paints.
From cards to prints as small as 6 x 8 inches to a large canvas of 24 x 30 inches.
Prints are printed on Hahnemühle German Etching. This heavyweight paper has a slightly warm base tone and a strong mottled texture. It creates a print with strong colours and deep blacks that feel rich and high in contrast.

Check our Services
Portraits are painted using quality materials that are made to last. These can various sizes from from 12 x 16 inches to 24 to 32 inches.
Animals and Pets
Preserve your well loved member of your family in a format that will last for generations.
Painted using Oil Paint on a box canvas. Oil paint has a rich heritage streching back to the 5th century. This is painted on a primed stretched cotten canvas.
Prints are printed on Hahnemühle German Etching. This heavyweight paper has a slightly warm base tone and a strong mottled texture. It creates a print with strong colours and deep blacks that feel rich and high in contrast.
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United Kingdom
Portrait Client
You've really captured warmth, life and personality in this portrait Edward, I'm so impressed!
Portrait Client
You have captured Phill's likeness. That is a great talent Edward. Thank you very much.
Pet Portrait Client
Oh my goodness Edward, this is beautiful! You have captured our Milly perfectly. What an amazing talent you have been given!"
Friend of a Portrait Client
I can’t get over Bethany you have perfectly captured her eyes her smile her hair her expression.
Friend of a Portrait Client
You excel at eyes Edward; your portraits always look alive and expressive!